What Makes God Happy – Psalm 149:4

smileyfacewithheart“For the Lord takes pleasure in his people; he adorns the humble with salvation.” (Psalm 149:4, ESV).

Don’t the people you love the most, your spouse, your children, your grandchildren, brothers, sisters, parents, or friends, make you happy?

Isn’t it your love for them that makes you happy?

When you love someone, you want to give your beloved gifts, maybe new clothes, new shoes, jewelry. And, then you take your beloved out to dinner, a movie, a party, so everyone can see them adorned with new things.

According to this verse, God is the same way toward human beings.

God loves people and that makes Him happy!

God takes pleasure in His people, particularly when they humble themselves before Him.

And, because we are God’s beloved, He wants to give us gifts, a new set of clothes.

He wants to attire His beloved with His salvation and show them off to the whole world…because God’s redeemed make Him happy!

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